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Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Strong Passwords


       When creating passwords, some people don’t really think about creating a strong password. Some people even use the same password for everything. This is the wrong thing to do. It can be really dangerous if someone happens to crack one of your passwords, so it is very important to make a very strong one.


             A strong password should consist of 14 or more characters. It should also include a mixture of words and numbers. You have to make sure that you don’t use the same password twice. For example, do not use the password that you use for your online banking account for your Facebook account as well. Aside from making a strong password, it has to be something you remember. Of course people use things like birthdates or telephone numbers because they are easy to remember; however, they do not make very strong passwords. Always try to think of something meaningful to you and try to make a password out of that.

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