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Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Digital Image Steganography

                 Steganography is the writing of hidden messages so that the sender and recipients only understands them. The message can be sent in the form of an image or text; however, there can either be a subliminal message or, the hidden message can be written in invisible ink.

          However, in Digital Image Steganography there are programs that allow you to encrypt messages in digital image files. “To send a message, a source text, an image in which the text should be embedded, and a key are needed. The key is used to aid in encryption and to decide where the information should be hidden in the image. Either another image or a short text can be used as a key (Standford Development Group).” 

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1 comment:

  1. Hi, read further about steganography and try
    OpenPuff, a professional freeware stego-sw at
    - http://members.fortunecity.it/blackvisionit/OpenPuff_Steganography_Home.html

    The author
